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La Crosse, WI Green Drinks

This listing was last updated by the La Crosse, WI organiser on: 2019-03-16


Welcome to Green Drinks of La Crosse

Happy St. Patrick's Day!

Who: Everyone interested in the environmental health of the Coulee Region
What: Informal conversation and fun
Where: Fayze's

When: Tuesday, March 18 @ 6:30 p.m. The 3rd Tuesday of every month.
Why: The Coulee Region’s environment deserves our focus
Green Drinks is an international concept with gatherings all over the world. There are several gatherings in Wisconsin. This is the first in La Crosse. There are no dues, fees, agenda, board, minutes, attendance or programs. We hope you will find a lively mixture of people with similar interest in environmental health and learn new ideas as well. A calendar of upcoming events will provide an opportunity to choose areas of interest. Pay for a drink, stay for the conversation.

 :)contact: Chris Schneider at chris-hybridguru@centurytel.net